rental assistance
For questions about rental assistance call 503-687-1494
The Homeless Prevention program works to stop households at imminent risk of losing their housing from becoming homeless. It is designed to decrease the overall number of persons becoming homeless in Yamhill County through short-term assistance including financial assistance and resource connections.
In addition to limited rental assistance for households facing eviction, YCAP operates several Supportive Housing programs that provide rental assistance and ongoing case management. These programs range from six months to long-term assistance.
To request rental or financial assistance, apply for YCAP housing programs, or to complete an intake, please visit or call YCAP at 503-687-1494.
YCAP Housing Stabilization Programs
Yamhill Community Action Partnership operates the HOME Tenant Based Assistance grant through funding from Oregon Housing and Community Services. This program provides rent assistance to qualified very low-income households who are experiencing homelessness in Yamhill County in a rental unit of their choice. Clients are selected through a standardized screener and drawn from the local Coordinated Entry system waitlist.
Yamhill Community Action Partnership’s Open Door Housing program is funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This program provides rent assistance and supportive services qualified homeless households in Yamhill County. Open Door is a program designed to offer housing to clients who are chronically homeless. Clients are selected through a standardized screener and drawn from the local Coordinated Entry system waitlist. Clients receive rental assistance and case management in a rental unit of their choice for indefinite duration.
Yamhill Community Action Partnership is a sub-contractor of the Rural Oregon Leasing and Services (ROLS) program, funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This program provides rent assistance and supportive services to qualified low-income households in Yamhill County. ROLS is a program designed to offer housing to clients with severe and persistent mental illness. Clients are selected through a standardized screener and drawn from the local Coordinated Entry system waitlist. Clients receive rental assistance and case management in a rental unit of their choice.
Yamhill Community Action Partnership operates the Stabilization program, funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This program provides rent assistance and supportive services to qualified homeless households in Yamhill County. The Stabilization program serves families that are fleeing domestic violence situations. Clients can receive rental assistance and case management in a rental unit of their choice. Clients are selected through a standardized screener and drawn from the local Coordinated Entry system waitlist
YCAP has limited assistance programs aimed at rapidly re-housing individuals and families experiencing homelessness. These programs often assist with one-time move in costs, such as rental or utility deposits.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (ssvf)
Yamhill Community Action Partnership is a sub-contractor of the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) grant. This program offers assistance to qualified veterans and veteran families in Yamhill County. The SSVF program, funded by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, can provide short-term financial assistance and supportive services to help veteran households become or remain stably housed. Download our SSVF brochure to learn more.
Case Management
YCAP offers case management services to persons in YCAP housing and Turnkey programs. Case managers focus on self-sufficiency and housing stability goals. Aftercare is also provided to clients for six months following exit from housing programs.
Spotlight Story
“A single dad with three children, one of which one is disabled, reached out to YCAP seeking housing resources. The client identified himself as a veteran. While working with the veteran case manager to establish a long-term housing plan, the family was placed in the Veteran’s room at Harvest House. The client was determined eligible for assistance through the SSVF Program. With the assistance from YCAP and the SSVF program the client secured a two bedroom apartment after staying in the shelter for two weeks. This client has some income but will continue to work with the Veteran Case Manager and Employment Developer to work towards self-sufficiency.”